Призивът на 8. б клас с класен ръководител г-жа Десислава Терзиева – "Не на агресията, но не само днес!"

Courses in our university

Welcome to university
Considering sites like Reuters or the new iteration of New York Times and USA Today we can see how the web is shifting towards typographic compositions the content is king and the user interface is minimal but relevant. During this course we will learn how to structure an effective layout for a splash page and a news article template.
The technical writing profession is continuously evolving as technical...
The technical writing profession is continuously evolving as technical...
The technical writing profession is continuously evolving as technical...
The technical writing profession is continuously evolving as technical...
Event Upcoming
юни 26, 2020 @ 10:00 am
Бул. Свобода 14
Event Happening
Start Time: юни 26, 2020 @ 10:00 am
Finish Time: 11:00 pm
Бул. Свобода 14
Start Time: юни 24, 2020 @ 6:30 pm
Finish Time: юни 24, 2020 @ 6:30 pm
Бул. Свобода 14
Start Time: април 22, 2020
Finish Time: април 22, 2020
Бул. Свобода 14
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Welcome to university
Considering sites like Reuters or the new iteration of New York Times and USA Today we can see how the web is shifting towards typographic compositions where the content is king and the user interface is minimal but relevant.
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Поздравления за прекрасната инициатива на учениците от 8. А клас!
Коледно тържество, томбола и смях в двора на Профилирана Гимназия „Яне Сандански“, град Сандански. Учениците се забавляваха с песни и танци в навечерието на Коледа. Така с песни, радостно настроение и топли пожелания за ...

Front-end Developer
When I commenced the programme, I gave myself one year to challenge my thinking, change my outlook and choose my next step. This could not have been achieved without the remarkable opportunities and strategic tools afforded to me.

Rick Marry
JAVA programmer
When I commenced the programme, I gave myself one year to challenge my thinking, change my outlook and choose my next step. This could not have been achieved without the remarkable opportunities and strategic tools afforded to me.

David Jonh
CEO, Techtonic Inc.
When I commenced the programme, I gave myself one year to challenge my thinking, change my outlook and choose my next step. This could not have been achieved without the remarkable opportunities and strategic tools afforded to me.

Roberta Theon
Teacher Language
When I commenced the programme, I gave myself one year to challenge my thinking, change my outlook and choose my next step. This could not have been achieved without the remarkable opportunities and strategic tools afforded to me.

Front-end Developer
When I commenced the programme, I gave myself one year to challenge my thinking, change my outlook and choose my next step. This could not have been achieved without the remarkable opportunities and strategic tools afforded to me.